
Monday, January 2, 2012

{It's A New Year}

Do you set New Year's Resolutions? If so, do you actually follow through with them? Well, we are 2 days into 2012 and hopefully that means we are all still on track. If not, it's not too late to hurry and get some goals set now!

My goals and resolutions this year include the following ...

     1. Create and implement more family traditions

2. Drink more water (this is going to be a tough one)

          3. SIMPLIFY

4. Play with my kids on a more regular basis

5. Be Patient

    6. BE HONEST

          7. Read my scriptures daily, say daily prayer, and visit the temple once a month

8. Don't Procrastinate!!! If I say I'm going to get something done, GET IT DONE!

9. Use my video camera on a more regular basis to capture my kids in their childhood

And my #10?

10. Start working on the list of home improvement projects that I have wanted to get done for the last 2 years. And that list is quite a doozy.

And that was just the beginning. I added even more to the list and by the end of the day, every line on that paper was full. I suppose while it may seem overwhelming to look at 25 different projects to get done, I found it more thrilling that I had them all written down and could cross things off as I completed them.

And now it's time to let the fun begin - wish me luck!

 - Junkie Tawni
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